US government charges evacuees

According to a reader of Andrew Sullivan’s The Daily Dish, the US government is charging it’s citizens in Lebanon for the priviliege of being removed from that country and being left in Cyprus. Where they’ll have to sort out their own accomodation and flights back to the US.

Nice of them isn’t it. To be so concerned about their citizens that they are offering to remove them from a war zone for a FEE. Not like all those other governments who are already getting their citizens out for free.

Doctor Who’s next assistant named

Newcomer Freema Agyeman is to take over from Billie Piper in the third series of Doctor Who, it has been revealed.
Agyeman, 27, will play Martha Jones in the next run of the drama, due to start filming in Cardiff this summer.


I have to say, that I’m pretty excited about this new companion and at the prospect of next Christmas’ episode having no companion at all. Maybe Captain Jack will make an appearance…

Telephone bracelet for Alzheimer’s sufferers

A telephone bracelet has been developed by Orange and Medical Mobile for Alzheimer’s sufferers in France. It seems to be basically a watch containing GPS and mobile phone technology that keeps track of the patient and alerts the relevant people when they wander out of where they’re supposed to be – a bit similar to a system implemented in a nursing home that I read about except this would allow the patient out of a nursing home and down to a local shop perhaps rather than just confining them to the home. Plus there’s the added bonus of being able to talk to the person through the bracelet rather than having to peg it to wherever they are.

This is a really cool idea and could probably be used not just for Alzheimer’s patients, but for any vunerable person who might get confused and disoriented when out and about.

Via Popgadget

Billie Piper to leave Doctor Who

Billie Piper to leave Doctor Who

I’m probably part of a minority when I say that I’m kind of glad that Billie is leaving. At least amongst the newer Doctor Who fans. It just seems to me that her character, Rose, makes the Doctor stupider somehow. Which is random and crazy and stuff.

I guess it doesn’t help that, for a while at least, Rose was Russell T. Davies’ Mary Sue.

Miss Army Kit

swiss army knife

This is the greatest most girly knife in the history of the world ever and I want one.

“Pink, chic and looking like something Penelope Pitstop might keep in her pocket, Miss Army Kit contains everything you need to solve everyday emergencies, including nail file, tweezers, needle and thread, mirror, torch, scissors, corkscrew, perfume bottle, pill box, mini knife, bottle opener, ruler and pen. Try carrying that lot around separately!”

Aside from the corkscrew (though I suppose I could stab people with it), those are all handy little things that I would use fairly regularly. I may just have to buy one. 😀

Ladybag – never forget your essential items again

This is really really cool. No longer would I have to rifle through my bag to make sure my purse is there (my keys have bells on, so only shaking the bag vigourously is needed to find them). Attaching RFID tags to my important stuff would make sure I didn’t have to rummage making sure it was there, or go running about looking for stuff that is already in the bag. On the other hand, I’m still kind of squicked by attaching RFID tags to stuff – probably because I need to know more about what they can and can’t do.
This would be a great bag for a lot of my friends though – the number of times phones and keys have been forgotten are almost too numerous to count!
[found via Gadget Candy, more info here]

Email for Charity

“Then every time you send and receive email online you can help raise money for charity. The more you mail the more money goes to charity. What could be simpler? With every email you send and receive in your MagicTaxi account, 50% of the net revenue received from MagicTaxi advertising goes to charity.”

How cool is that? MagicTaxi launches their email service on Sunday, and while the revenue from ads probably isn’t that much for one person… if you have a lot of people using the service there could be a fair amount. Every little helps, as they say. 🙂

Music-loving mums rock CD sales

Music-loving mums rock CD sales

“The top 100 is strewn with records that can only be described as easy listening.

And it is all a reflection of a significant change in the music industry – the power of “mum rock”.

Forty-somethings now buy more than twice as many pop CDs as teenagers and the gap is growing every year.”

While it’s true that I’ve noticed a lot more Mum-friendly music on the shelves… I’m not sure that I really agree with most of this article. Although, heh, at the same time I have no actual evidence to back up my argument, just a vague half remembered memory of reading something somewhere.

According to the article:

“Downloading is one factor explaining why teenagers are buying fewer CDs, especially when it comes to compilation albums.”

Fair enough on the compilation albums, but I remember reading how the teenage age group was actually buying more cds even though they’re the biggest downloading group – probably something to do with actually being able to listen before you buy and getting exposed to a wider range of bands perhaps.

And perhaps the reason the “average teenage record buyer” is spending less money on CDs that certainly aren’t cheaper to buy in shops, is that they’re looking around online to buy CDs at half the price you’d find them at in Virgin or HMV. While CDs are indeed cheap in the supermarket (which is one of the places I like to buy my music and games), what teenager is going to loiter with their friends in a supermarket?