BBC iPlayer

So, I’m having a go at using the BBC’s iPlayer. Which undoubtabley is cashing in on the Apple trend of sticking a small “i” infront of anything to make it hip and aimed at young people with money to spend.

Or something.

Anyway, it’s going ok so far. I’ve not had any of the problems that other people on the iPlayer forum seem to have, though I do have a software engineering degree, which one commenter said was what you needed to be able to install the thing.

As for downloading stuff? Well. It takes a while. But downloading anything that size does. And at least the stuff the BBC is giving out actually PLAYS. I tried channel five’s tv downloading offering and after spending what seemed like days trying to download the latest episode of CSI… got nothing. I couldn’t watch it AND they’d made me install a bunch of crap on my computer that took up needless space.

And the BBC does have the whole free thing going for it. Well, it’s not really free. You do have to pay your licence fee. But unless you don’t watch TV, everyone does that.

I’m looking forward to when this really gets going and they have even more content on offer. There is a fairly wide selection on offer already, but it on the whole doesn’t interest me – though that could be related more to my general lack of TV watching.

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Hi. I'm Rachel.